Saints Row IV: Gat out of Hell Announced
A new standalone expansion to Saints Row IV has been announced.
A new standalone expansion to Saints Row IV has been announced.
An old school game mode is being added to Titanfall.
Wondering how Master Chief's helmet ended up with a crack in the CGI trailers? Here's why.
Pre-orders of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will reward players with a bonus item in Destiny.
The game comes out this October.
Here's how the newly added Ramaladni's Gift works in Diablo 3.
Bloodborne and The Order: 1886 will be playable at PAX Prime this year.
The game has been given two extra weeks of development time.
Find out what's in store with the Dragon Age Keep.
You can now preload the game on the Xbox One.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call won't be the last Theatrhythm game.
Learn about supply drops in the latest multiplayer trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
Watch the trailer to find out what exclusive items are set to grace the PS3 and PS4 versions of Destiny.
Check out all the new features that are set to grace the upcoming Kingdom Hearts remake.
Check out the details about the Witcher 3's main character.
The designs for Red Hood and Robin have been revealed.
The international release of the game may differ from the Japanese release in terms of censored content.
The latest video in Anita Sarkeesian's long-running series of documentaries explores the topic of women as sexual objects. has launched its DRM-free movie service.
Escape Dead Island comes out this November.
The release date for the game's demo has been announced.
The Didact makes his return in the comic book.
Diablo 3's 2.1.0 patch is now available for download.
The third Adventure Time adventure is coming your way this November.