PayDay 2 Gets Dated for Release
PayDay 2 is headed to the consoles and PC.
Bethesda may be working up towards an announcement for the game.
The game has been unplayable for some players on the EUW servers in LoL.
We attempt to set the record straight with player stats in FIFA 14, biased fans need to calm their horses.
A fact sheet for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 reveals some startling details about the game.
A new update to the Battlelog system is designed to set the foundation for the new, and upcoming system.
The second stretch goal has been unlocked for DOTA 2's interactive scorebook.
This Metro Last: Light walkthrough will help you solve puzzles and make your way unscathed through the game.
A new patch for Injustice fixes the game's desync errors.
There's this video circulating around purporting to be the trailer of the PlayStation 4. We don't think it's real.
This video will take you deeper into the true history behind Assassin's Creed 4.
Pick up the two hottest strategy games this year at a 25% discount via Green Man Gaming.
The PC version of Black Ops 2 will soon be updated with a new patch.
Freeze-frame screenshots of the Grand Theft Auto 5 trailers may have revealed the existence of female heist assistants.
Best Xbox 360 Games 2013: Microsoft's Xbox 360 console may be several years old, but 2013's lineup of games for the Xbox 360 is going to prove to be its finest.
The PS3 has enjoyed its fair share of action adventure games since release, here's our list of the Top 10 Action Adventure Games for PS3
The voice actor playing the role of Trevor in Rockstar's GTA 5 may have been uncovered and he look a lot like his in-game persona.
Mobile apps will extend the multiplayer experience offered by Watch Dogs.
The developers of Command & Conquer admit the faults of C&C 4 and wish to make amends for it.
Pre-ordering the game is the only way to get Anomaly Korea.
If you enjoy the game, you can even purchase it at a huge discount.
Ghosts certainly isn't Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, but we're not complaining about it.
SimCity has been updated to version 3.0, bringing with it a host of updates to the game's traffic system.
A new trailer depicting Blade Wolf has been released.