Diablo 4: How To Complete ‘Holding Back The Flood’ | Season Journey Guide
Overcoming your first major roadblock in Season 1.
Overcoming your first major roadblock in Season 1.
Whilst most of Pikmin 4's bosses are hidden in Sublevels, some live on the surface. Burrowing Snagret is one such monster.
Finding all the Castaways in Pikmin 4 can be a bit of a head scratcher, but you don't want to miss out on this chap in Hectic Hollows.
Exploring the deep places in Pikmin 4 is fraught with danger. Delve too greedily, and you might find yourself face to face with Foolix.
Oatchi is one of the best new features added in Pikmin 4, and teaching him how to swim is something you should do ASAP.
There are a whopping nine types of Pikmin in Pikmin 4, getting your hands on as many as you can, as early as you can, is vital.
Oatchi is the best addition to Pikmin 4, but our helpful doggo can get even better with a little bit of training.
Controlling your army of carrot-people in Pikmin 4 is a smooth process - especially once you've set your own custom shortcuts.
With a whopping 9 types of Pikmin available to use in Pikmin 4, players have never had this much power at their fingertips.
Pikmin 4 is finally here. Here's our top-tips to get your started on your journey to rescue Captain Olimar.
Get down with the sickness.
Gearing up for the Season of the Malignant in Diablo 4.
Go swimming for the most powerful weapon in Hyrule. Yes, really.
Skip or stay? There's really only one good choice.
When two titans collide.
The "A Wife Wafted Away" quest in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can be an especially confounding quest to solve.
Unexpected combinations that make the best and weirdest weapons.
There are six classes in BattleBit Remastered which gives players plenty of ways to play, but which one ends up being the best?
With the first six games in the legendary Final Fantasy series remastered and released just about everywhere, where do you even start?
Players will have fought Barnabas once already when they encounter him a second time in Final Fantasy 16. The previous fight was cut short on account of Barnabas’ overwhelming power, but in The Last King main quest mission, Clive is determined to come out on top. The fight is one of Final Fantasy 16‘s most …
Don't miss the biggest thing in Sons of the Forest. Here's how to fight the true final boss.