The Last of Us Part 1: The Quarantine Zone – Optional Conversations
Chatty Kathy over here.
Chatty Kathy over here.
It’s debatable to say whether Microsoft’s Xbox would have taken off if it wasn’t for the success of the Halo franchise but one thing we can all agree on is that we’re all the better for the series’ existence. Each game brings with them its unique qualities and features while adding to previous iterations. Let’s …
If you are looking for an indie, then we have you covered with our top 20 picks.
Should you use the Dendro version of the Traveler on your team?
Genshin Impact is the perfect game for players who love to collect items. There are tons of flowers, enemy drops, and treasure to be found throughout the land of Teyvat. In fact, every single region has its own specialties that you can’t find anywhere else in the world. While Inazuma was a bit of a …
Where to purchase merchandise from Genshin Impact.
How to quickly farm the Electro Regisvine in Genshin Impact.
Can't give up the 3DS or WiiU just yet? You can still make purchases into 2023 with this method.
Make progress with these tricks to progress past this totally bugged mission.
Should you pull on the Weapon Banner in Genshin Impact?
Every Creature you can capture in Sumeru as of 3.0.
How long does it take to get to Sumeru in the story,
Should you wish for Kokomi in Genshin Impact.
Should you pull on Zhongli's banner in Genshin Impact?
Genshin Impact has a strong focus on picking characters to build teams with. If you are wanting to hit big numbers, then it’s important you pick the right teammates and that they all synergize together correctly. The only problem is that if you aren’t a big spender, you need to carefully consider what characters you …
Take a trip down to the sunset strip.
Hunting for ancient treasure in the Badlands and beyond.
Starting a fresh collection of weird, random junk.
Racing games have become increasingly common in the past decade, which is great for car enthusiasts and gamers. There’s plenty of variety, with various games and franchises exploring different avenues from realistic rally racing to urban open-world arcade racing. This list specifically namedrops some of the noteworthy offroad games that are playable on Xbox Series …