Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – How To Get Every Optional Item |
Unlock the Boomerang, extra Fairy Bottles, the Heavyweight Lure and more with this quick list of optional item locations.
Unlock the Boomerang, extra Fairy Bottles, the Heavyweight Lure and more with this quick list of optional item locations.
All aboard the loot train, it's time to start earning even more free loot in Borderlands 3. Here's an up-to-date list of all the working SHiFT Codes you can use.
Go on a vacation to Haven Island and learn the most leisurely method for killing all three targets.
Crack the code and become a crane game master with these tips to make perfect grabs every time.
The bosses in The Surge 2 and relentlessly tough. Check them all out and get our tips to take them down.
Make your snowballs significantly more powerful (and way grosser) with the Yellow Snow upgrade.
Stay warm in the frozen water of Tag Der Toten with this unlockable Heat Pack upgrade.
Unleash the power of Samantha's Music Box and unlock an integral part of the Easter egg quest.
Finish the Aether story and (maybe) the final Call of Duty Zombies map ever. Here's how to complete the 'Salvation Lies Above' Easter egg quest.
Blast those pesky 'X' barriers with these Dynamite Bombs. This is how you can craft them.
Don't miss the Wunderwaffe DG -- a powerful Wonder Weapon that melts hordes of zombies in Tag Der Toten.
Collect five hidden figurines to solve the mystery of the suitcase shrine.
The Surge 2 is a hard game. Here are 10 tips to help you power through the opening hours of the game.
Little Johnny is anything but little. Here are a few tips to help you beat this difficult boss fight.
Build the old trusty Riot Shield in Tag Der Toten. Here's where to find the parts.
Don't miss out on the secret science base in Tag Der Toten. Here's how to unlock all the areas on this map.
There's more than one Pack-a-Punch quest in Tag Der Toten. Here's how to get the Golden Pack-a-Punch.
Clear out the central hub of Eden-6 with a complete map of all the Floodmoor Basin collectibles.
Unlock powerful bonus armor in the Color Dungeon, an optional level in Link's Awakening.
Some of the very best open world video games for Xbox One.
Unlock the gate to the third dungeon in Link's Awakening -- here's how to find the Slime Key and complete Richard's quest.
Commit the cool crime of robbery with no repercussions in Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening with this quick trick.
Check out the most amazing Legendary guns we've found so far in Borderlands 3.
You don't need to be the World's Great Detective to solve these limited Fortnite challenges. Just use our map!