Borderlands 3: Lectra City Crew Challenges Guide | Claptraps, Typhon Logs & Hunts Locations
Blast Bandits and earn rewards in Lectra City with these Crew Challenge collecible locations.
Blast Bandits and earn rewards in Lectra City with these Crew Challenge collecible locations.
Complete your Crew Challenge collection in the Meridian Metroplex with our complete map.
Catch-a-ride into a new dimension of vehicle upgrades in Borderlands 3. Here's how to find new weapons (and wheels) for your cars.
Start cleaning up those Crew Challenges on Promethea, the second planet of Borderlands 3.
Continue your Crew Challenges hunting in Ascension Bluffs, the second zone of Borderlands 3. Here's another map to make it easy.
Earn big rewards and 100% the first major location of Borderlands 3 with our Crew Challenge locations map.
Want an endless supply of guns in Borderlands 3? Here's how to get an endless supply of Legendary Weapons.
Take down a hidden One Punch Man Easter egg to earn a killer Legendary in Borderlands 3.
Collect millions in cash in minutes with this insane money farming method for Borderlands 3.
To get the best guns in Borderlands 3, you need to step off the beaten path. Here's a few tips to help you hunt down high-tier weapons.
Find fixes for annoying FPS issues like stuttering, or repair the annoying Epic Game Store White Screen with these PC solutions.
Learn the ins-and-outs of Vault Hunting with our quick beginner's guide, filled with tips to get your looting and shooting started right.
See what makes Amara the Siren so special in Borderlands 3. This psychic-fist summoning Vault Hunter packs a mean punch. Here's the complete list of skills you'll be able to unlock.
Uncover the full list of leaked skills for our second Vault Hunter in Borderlands 3 -- Zane the Operative. Instead of powers, this hero is all about gadgets that can protect allies and blast enemies.
See what Moze the Gunner is packing in Borderlands 3 with this complete rundown of all her skills.
Find these rare Collector items for the Weekly Challenge in Red Dead Online with our map locations.
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Uncover the secrets of the Blair Witch. Here's how to unlock all four endings.
See which of the new weapons in Gears 5 are best with our ranking.
Grab all 90 collectibles in the Gears 5 campaign with our complete locations guide.
Find all the optional crash site objectives with these quick locations and unlock the 'Pennies From Heaven' achievement.
Unleash the ultimate power of the secret Fish-On-A-Stick weapon in Gears 5. Here's how to get it.
Make Jack the best robot he can be with all the Ultimate Upgrades in Gears 5.
Take on the toughest bosses in Astral Chain -- here's how to fight two optional, secret super-bosses in the epilogue chapter.