Top 20 Shocking Surprises and Secrets in Video Games
This is a selection of 20 of the most shocking surprises and secrets in video games.
This is a selection of 20 of the most shocking surprises and secrets in video games.
Josh Wanamaker spends some time with MechWarrior Tactics.
We take a look at 20 of the wonkiest, and arguably most disgraceful videogame ads ever made.
Seb Wuepper finds his way in thatgamecompany's Journey.
David Rayfield writes a retrospective of Street Fighter II.
Sebastián Vargas has put together this wonderful collection of miniature game consoles.
Seb Wuepper takes a look at the angry reactions to Mass Effect 3 on the Internet.
Matthew Stewart addresses the recent layoffs at Obsidian.
What makes Bastion's atmosphere as original, and engaging as it is?
Seb Wuepper plays Shoot Many Robots and gives us his impressions.
Civilization V makes a good case for DLCs, argues Mike Deneen.
Games writers owe you nothing, and you owe nothing to games writers. Seb Wuepper explains.
Seb Wuepper expresses his disappointment with Syndicate.
We've been on hiatus for awhile, but we return with two episodes this time around.
Seb Wuepper writes about his resolve (or the lack thereof) with deciding which games to purchase.
Seb Wuepper writes about the first hours of Syndicate.
Comparing Kara with her female counterparts from recent & upcoming games.
John Vanderhoef explores Alan Wake, and asks what video games can learn from TV.
We take a look at sixteen of the bugs and amusing glitches we've found in Mass Effect 3.
Josh Wanamaker covers the development of Portal 2 at GDC.
Mass Effect 3 Easter Eggs Locations: Hey, just because you're in a brutal war of attrition with the deadliest force the galaxy has ever known doesn't mean you can't have a few chuckles along the way.
At GDC, game design luminaries approached the topic of cloned games.