Best Swag of E3 2012: The Goodies Gamers Got to Take Home
Check out the most exclusive swag gamers got their hands on at this year's E3.
Check out the most exclusive swag gamers got their hands on at this year's E3.
Jen Shaffer posts her impressions of Darksiders 2, a game in which you play the role of Death himself.
Seb Wuepper explores the current trend of revivals, rehashes, and reboots.
Jen takes an in-depth look at Dishonored, and tells us why it's her game of E3 2012.
Gameranx has put together report cards of each of the publisher press conferences at E3. Read on to find out how each company performed at the event.
E3 represents the worrying trend of games becoming even more commodified than they are today.
Jacob Saylor takes a closer look at the design of Assassin's Creed 3.
My only complaint is the camera. I really wish there was an easy way to control it.
The Rock Band name has lost its sheen over the last few years as the music game boom has settled down, but Harmonix is still a good studio with a long history of quality work. Rock Band Blitz is a downloadable title that takes the developer back to their roots of Amplitude and Frequency.
Seb Wuepper writes a few words on realism and realistic tropes in videogames.
Matthew Stewart writes about how Nintendo needs to deliver more thematically complex games.
Kris Ligman shows us how other players enrich the games we play, even in single-player.
Matthew Stewart writes about the new Tomb Raider game and why its content may be good for the medium.
Eric Swain takes a closer look at Quantum Conundrum.
The 10 almost certain announcements from Sony during their E3 2012 press conference.
Take a look at 25 very awesome papercraft models based on videogame characters.
Simon Chun explores the concept of games as sequels and talks about why you should care about them.
Diablo 3 has a plethora of secret dungeons and we're here to help you uncover them.
Simon Chun explores Guild Wars 2 and gives us five good reasons to play it.
Diablo 3 Easter Eggs: Diablo III may be packed full of content but it has even more hidden content in the form of easter eggs. Here's how to find them all.
Twenty biggest open worlds in videogames you could very easily lose yourself in.
Midna and Zelda have never looked more stunning than in these photos.
We interviewed Two Tribes about their work on Rock Band and how they came together.
Seb Wuepper writes his early impressions of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, a game in which many people are shot in the face.