Irreversible Change: Call of Duty Elite Subscriptions
Gameranx takes a close look at the newly announced Call of Duty Elite subscription.
Gameranx takes a close look at the newly announced Call of Duty Elite subscription.
Tips for Minecraft: Interested in playing Minecraft but don't know where to begin? We've compiled a concise list of tips to get you on your way to building your stairway to Minecraft heaven.
We managed to spend a lot of time with Munchies' Lunch, and have decided that it is perhaps the first ever puzzle game that carries weight beyond solving puzzles for the sake of it.
Free PC Action Games: The PC has been largely underrated as a gaming platform, especially for action games. Few of today's console gamers may recognize the names on this list, but PC gamers with over a decade of experience will have no trouble appreciating these games, all of which are playable on the latest hardware.
Is Duke Nukem Forever offensive for the sake of getting easy attention? What could have been an incisive commentary on the state of the game industry seems like little more than a missed opportunity.
From the classics to newer releases, we take a look at five strategy game franchises in desperate need of revival.
Dirt 3 is receiving good reviews from the gaming press all around, thanks to the addition of Gymkhana and a renewed focus on rally driving.
Free PC Adventure Games: We walk the road less traveled by taking a look at the top 5 free adventure games for the PC. So why not spend a few hours with one of these free PC adventure games?
Gameranx recently had a chance to chat with David Vonderhaar, game design director at Treyarch, and he was kind enough to give us his thoughts on the success of Call of Duty: Black Ops within the pro-gaming circuit.
L.A. Noire Review Round-Up: L.A. Noire receives plenty of perfect scores, yet falls short of pleasing everyone in the industry.
The Witcher 2 is almost upon us. We take a look at CD Projekt's latest venture into the RPG genre and inspect the ten most compelling features that The Witcher 2 has to offer.
Not all the role-playing games we love yield sequels, be it due to lack of public interest, funding, or simply that the company feels the story is complete.
Despite being maligned by the hardcore gaming public upon its release, the Kinect represents Microsoft's future in the video game industry.
Brink is out, but not everyone likes it. Some would say that Brink rhymes with stink, but we'd call them childish. Take a look at what the critics are saying.
There are many reasons to look forward to RAGE, but ten reasons sum up the game's ability to bulldoze its competition in the FPS genre.
It's undeniable—Portal 2 is a great game for a variety of reasons. This article takes a look at ten of its finest qualities.
Darkspore Review Round-up: Darkspore is a Diablo clone that may or may not live up to the expectations of gamers. Take a look at what the critics have to say.
Thief 4 is one of the most wanted sequels ever. Very little is known about the game at this point, except for the fact that it takes place after the events of the third game. Gameranx has come up with a list of ten things we'd like to see in Thief 4.
Early reviews of SOCOM 4 have all but panned the latest shooter from Sony. Despite its hype, SOCOM4 has turned out to be nothing more than an average mainstream shooter.
The new Mortal Kombat may be the best game in the franchise, but how does it stack up against opponents like Marvel vs Capcom and Super Street Fighter IV?
This article takes a look at the hype machine that lead up to the release of Portal 2, and Valve's investment in the franchise. As far as the early reviews are concerned, the game has been nothing short of a phenomenal success.
Rockstar and Team Bondi are betting big on the success of L.A. Noire. The question now is whether they'll win big or see snake eyes with their gamble.
We take a look at a few games that would have a home on the PS3 if they were to be remade, and how they could make full use of the current generation of technology as they cater to today’s gamers.
Best Horror Games Xbox 360: We've sifted through the mass of titles on the Xbox 360 to find (number) of the most haunting & Scariest titles the system has to offer. You'll want to play these games with the lights off.