Angry Zombie Birds Want to Feast on Your Brains
Imagine what it would look like if the Angry Birds were zombies.
Imagine what it would look like if the Angry Birds were zombies.
Indie Games have been really coming through in recent years, here's our list of the 10 Best Indie Games Coming in 2011.
Duke Nukem Forever is a game many are looking forward to playing ever since it was announced last year. Yet even so, there is a question about whether the franchise would have been better left unearthed after so long.
When you play RPGs, you develop a lot of bad habits. Some of them are easy to be rid of, but others—like those on this list, die hard.
Crysis 2 Wallpapers for 1080p HD and 720p HD resolutions, are suitable for laptops, wide-screen desktops and HDTVs
For every protagonist like Nathan Drake, there's been an annoying character like Navi to make you want to rip your hair out. Imagine sitting through several dozen hours with them as your only company and you might just lose your mind. Here are five main characters who drove us mad.
When the iPad was first introduced, it didn't have too many games to show off the platform's full capabilities. A year has since passed and with it, dozens of fantastic titles have hit the iPad. Listed here are ten of the best iPad games.
When we think of villains in videogames, we think of the usual suspects: Kerrigan, Mother Brain, Sephiroth and occasionally Diablo. This list is not about the usual suspects, and is instead about the ones who’ve managed to unsettle us the most--prompting us to probe into our psyches and examine the evil within.
We take a look at the unique qualities that defined Max Payne and its sequel, and assess the upcoming Max Payne 3 on whether it will live up to its predecessors.
If you're running an old laptop or a brand new netbook you're not going to be able to play a game like Crysis. Thankfully, the PC library is generously endowed with some of the finest classic games that you'll be able to enjoy regardless of the machine you're running. Listed are 15 must-have classic downloadable games that you simply can't do without.
Gears of War 3 Wallpapers in 1080p HD and 720p HD for wide-screen desktops, laptops, iPhone, iPad and HDTVs
Dead Space 2 Walkthrough Video Guide with tips, hints, solved puzzles, and walkthrough of each level for both Xbox 360 and the PS3
Best mmorpgs 2011 | Top mmorpgs 2011 - â€World of Warcraft†may be the reigning MMORPG at the moment, but five games this year have plans to take on Blizzard’s giant. Here are the five best MMORPGs of 2011.
Shiny GTA IV fan-art by deviantart user, Patrick Brown
Like Atlas, "Bioshock Infinite" carries a heavy burden upon its shoulders as the successor to the "Shock" series of games. We take a look at the impact that "Bioshock Infinite" may have on the FPS genre and the titles that lead up to it.
Who says PC gaming is dead? 20 confirmed PC exclusives releasing in 2011
With plenty of AAA titles releasing in 2011, it is also going to be another great year for shooter games. Here's our list of the 10 Most Wanted Shooter games of 2011.
Speculating some of the new or improved features we'd like to see in the sequel to one of the most popular MMORPGs, World of WarCraft 2 | WOW 2
2010 has been one of the most successful years for the PS3 and the future looks even more bright. Here's our list of the Top 10 Best PS3 Exclusives of 2010.
Paper Half-Life 2 Animated Short by Russian youtube user, Remus2008
Though some prefer a ranged combat, there's a lot to be said for a melee attack. Here we examine some of the best melee weapons of all time.
With so many titles slated for release, quite a few of which are sequels, 2011 is going to be a busy year for developers, publishers and gamers. It may looks as though 2011 is a lighter year for the RPG genre, but we've rounded up some of the best RPGs | Role Playing Games coming in 2011 which will hopefully prove otherwise.
Killzone 3 Wallpapers in 1080p HD and 720p HD for wide-screen desktops, laptops, ps3 backgrounds and HDTVs
Asking for Blizzard to give you anything can be like speaking into a vacuum, but the Diablo community yells louder than most. Listed here are ten features that Diablo III needs to have.