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Time is running out!
Considering the age of Crash Bandicoot, it only makes sense.
Microsoft overplayed their hand.
"We are not ready to define the exact resolution on PlayStation 4 Pro yet."
This is exciting news for Switch users!
How awesome would be an L.A. Noire remaster?
Prepare your wallets for tomorrow!
This is great news for console users!
Sweet, download it now!
Excited for Destiny 2?
Reaper now has a vampire passive.
Here's how to claim it.
Sony tugs at both your wallet and your heart strings.
The team can't legally profit off the release.
For more immersive work 'breaks'.
These are welcomed fixes!
Twitch eSports tournaments just levelled up.
Social gaming takes centre stage.
The Lost Legacy is looking good!
Do any of these games interest you?