Dean Hall’s Day-Z Follow Up, Ion, Is Canceled
"Games get paused, cancelled, pulled back all the time in the industry," says Hall.
"Games get paused, cancelled, pulled back all the time in the industry," says Hall.
Nintendo Fanboys, prepare to be triggered.
Don't listen to Ubisoft! Press it!
Stick to trying out the new character on the PTR for now
Overcome the planet's obstacles and save millions, failure is no option.
Experienced the changes yet?
Will Horizon: Zero Dawn maintain its No. 1 spot?
Take a look at Target's latest video game promotion.
"Building a new life in Andromeda starts with the search for solid ground and safe harbor."
Plus you get a cool character accessory for preordering.
Welcome Probius from StarCraft II to the HotS lineup.
What do you spot in the short 5-second teaser trailer?
Which game are oyu most excited for?
Are you excited to see the Vault of Glass return?
The countdown can begin!
Don't want to do a mission? Send a team to do it for you!
Boss Key Productions will also be at PAX East this week.
What do you think of Miitomo's new promotion?
Princess Zelda comes to life.