Congrats To Dogmeat From Fallout 4, Winner At The World Dog Awards
Even a CGI dog is man's best friend.
Even a CGI dog is man's best friend.
Obsidian and Paradox have just announced their latest RPG.
This virtual reality based Whodunit? game is full of werewolves and intrigue.
Get your hands on the first set of mission packs in two weeks.
Previous leaks have all been right on the money.
Sony has revealed the release details for the PlayStation VR.
Jagex is in talks with a Chinese mining company to be taken over.
Hitman's new patch removes some content from the PS4 version of the game.
Gary the Gull, an interactive movie announced for the upcoming PlayStation VR.
Take a look at P.A.M.E.L.A., a sci-fi open-world survival horror game.
Xbox Tech Director Mike Ybarra wants to see large-scale parties in games.
Battleborn, the newest game from Gearbox and 2K Games has just gone gold.
Ubisoft reveals that The Division is the company's best selling game.
The Dark Zone in The Division is getting some tweaks.
New customization options for your vehicles explore some classic looks.
Microsoft wants to create a system that works for both Xbox One and PC.
The areas are clearly unfinished but suggest a larger slice of Manhattan is on the way.
Warhammer's vampires are more the necromancy and zombie dragon kind than the glittery kind.
You can now remove the HUD and stop enemies from showing up on the minimap.
The Coalition have revealed the details of Gears of War 4's Early Access and open beta periods, both multiplayer.
Thanks to a new ruling by the presiding judge, Ms. Lohan can proceed.
A preview of how the NPC Pokémon trainers look like in Pokkén, as well as information on how LAN Battle mode works, have been revealed.