Insomniac is Teasing an Aquatic Adventure
More will be revealed later this week.
The annoying series mascot looks pretty good in glass, actually.
The project will still go ahead with investor backing.
The DLC launches first on PlayStation 4 early next month.
You’ll be able to play on Cloud City later this year.
The video focuses on the abilities players have to build and share their parks.
The publisher describes it as an 'MMOTPS'.
Think pinball, if the pinballs were en flambe.
Hopefully, after winning, you don't realize you have the magical ability to reverse time.
The best discount may be the one for Far Cry 4.
You can play an Early Access version of Torment today.
Check out his bizarrely deep voice in this trailer for the long awaited 3DS title.
Techland is bringing the pain, offering boosted XP rates in exchange for longer nights, harder enemies, and more.
Here are the first details about the game's four-player co-op mode.
Microsoft isn't shy about leveraging their Xbox One titles to sell Windows 10.
Like Bebop says, it's time to smash some shells.
The Experiment plays like horde mode and will introduce you to the game's nuances.
The concept Midna doesn't hide its Majora's Mask influence very well.
You can also check if your key has arrived.
Hard to argue that demand isn't high.
No more Sony Computer Entertainment.