PS4’s Initial Price May Have Been Decided the Day of Sony’s E3 2013 Press Conference
PS4’s Initial Price May Have Been Decided the Day of Sony’s E3 2013 Press Conference
PS4’s Initial Price May Have Been Decided the Day of Sony’s E3 2013 Press Conference
Bethesda has included a neat little easter egg.
The site provides hard data to back up their assertion.
What a long journey it’s been and it just got longer.
Details are scarce on what it will involve, however.
You'll be able to jump instantly from one to another from the main menu.
Get a room you two.
Did this arcade game spoil us on what could be the star of Pokemon Z? Watch on and decide for yourself.
It's a dog eat demon hunter and pulp hero world out there.
As always, the legacy weapon engram works the way it did in Destiny’s first year.
Wii U is certainly seeing a lot of action in the rereleases front.
Nintendo promises to continue support until at least January, but maybe we can make them keep going.
It's a huge relief to the fans who were clamoring for these localizations.
Includes DLC quests exclusive to the game’s Western release.
Nintendo just made a lot of Mega Man fans happy.
And she's incredible.
It’s hard out there for a Vault Boy.