Black Desert Alpha Keys Now Being Given Away
They're only giving out 20 keys everyday, so chances you'll get in are slim, but don't try and that's down to none.
They're only giving out 20 keys everyday, so chances you'll get in are slim, but don't try and that's down to none.
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water will include some digital costume changes for the main characters.
Bungie cautions to wait to play Nightfall after the patch.
A highly successful console game developer shuts down. What’s not to worry about?
The Stagmer Brothers of Baltimore Knife and Sword commemorate the game's impending release.
A Collector's Edition featuring a comic book, art book, and the game's original soundtrack.
Kojima has a non-compete clause with Konami until December, however.
There will be new augments but the old ones are more powerful than ever and come with new tricks.
You can only be in one Spartan Company at a time.
Now here's one item you probably won't find on the crafting table in Fallout 4.
Limited-quantity Fallout 4 Xbox One controller among new items.
The company gets sentimental over the final installment of the series.
Along with information about the game, the company has released screenshots of one of its worlds.
If you buy the game at retail, you'll have to download a huge patch before you can play the game.
In a free update released for one of Minecraft's paid DLC, players can now enjoy new Halo 5 skins.
CD Projekt Red plans to release an update for the PC Modkit.
The bug is simple enough to understand, but it’s pretty bad.
The Free Run courses serve to be more challenging than realistic.
The Ratmen are coming to end the world and it's your job to stop them.
A storm is coming to Arcadia Bay.
The bundle is a really good deal for families.
Official announcement likely coming during Paris Games Week.