Xbox Players are Experiencing Trouble Downloading Destiny’s 2.0 Update
Fixes are imminent, says Bungie.
Fixes are imminent, says Bungie.
Players who lack hard drive space to install Destiny: The Taken King can contact Activision for a nice solution.
Here's when you can play the closed beta for Blade & Soul.
Last E3 a screen for a Kingdom Hearts 2.9 appeared on the Square Enix Presents event before being quietly replaced
If you did like playing with Quiet as a partner, unfortunately, the game won't let you do that right now.
In the past, Nintendo has shown an ambivalent attitude towards Apple, but have recently indicated more openness to collaboration.
Get medieval on someone’s hiney.
That is, if Obsidian ever confirms it is developing a Pillars of Eternity sequel.
Ah, the silver rupee. An elusive color in the Legend of Zelda rupee spectum.
Another sign the USK ratings board is easing up.
Capcom has confirmed that the RPG is coming to the PC.
Apple may unveil a new gaming console this week with the next version of the Apple TV.
Nintendo may have contributed to Rihanna's wardrobe.
Fans of Dying Light can vote on their favorite of five mods.
The perfect thing to take a test drive on Super Mario Maker when it debuts later this week on the Wii U.
The makers of Darksiders have launched a Kickstarter campaign for their newest game.
Heart of Stone also features a new gameplay mechanic called Runewords.
Our source doesn't believe that 2K Sports fixed as much as the previewers claim, but then again, they got to play it.
Oddly enough, there are only two women's teams available, and they can only play each other.
Every effort has been made so that your navigation through the sprawling open world is enjoyable, even relaxing.
I’m sure for many Destiny players, it is satisfying to just see a trailer promise so much story.
We don't even know if there will be an upgrade program.