NBA 2K15: MVP Kevin Durant Is 2K15’s Cover Athlete
Also, we 've learned new details on 2K's tech partners that could mean a much improved NBA2K series in general.
Also, we 've learned new details on 2K's tech partners that could mean a much improved NBA2K series in general.
Bioware has decided to share with us a close look at two of the areas the Inquisition will not be expected to be in.
While we would like to congratulate Valve on another successful Compendium campaign, we have to question the changes they have done this year.
The new Killing Floor has raised the stakes and leveled up the game every way you can think of.
And just like that, Sony has completely squashed any hope of a Bioshock Vita.
Nintendo vows to be more inclusive in the future.
Gamers can get a lot of gaming classics for only $9.
Three Fields Entertainment are working on two unspecified titles for 2015.
We'll be seeing the game this June and in 1080p.
Markus Persson clarifies reports that the studio behind Minecraft only has 10 years left.
A list of Legendary items for Diablo 3's ladders got leaked.
A new teaser trailer for Killing Floor 2 depicts how the zombie outbreak begins in the game.
DICE has launched a Community Test Environment initiative to invite players to help fix Battlefield 4.
The latest episode for The Walking Dead Season 2 has been given a gameplay trailer.
VizionEck is a non-traditional FPS for the PS4. It was just announced today.
MachineGames is answering questions posed by fans about the studio’s upcoming game, Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Watch the first ever footage of Tropico 5's multiplayer mode.
Russian law prohibits 'propaganda' relating to non-traditional marriage.
You can train a zombie pet in H1Z1.
The classic JRPG Final Fantasy 3 has been confirmed for a Steam release on the PC.
Oh yeah, this one was a lot to go through. Read through this guide to get instructions in finding all the keychains - and the condition to get a secret rare keychain.
You can now keep the upgrade even if your PS Plus subscription runs out.
There may also be a link to the corruption of Dragon Age 2's Meredith.
The item retains its collect-three-parts provision, but received a small update to the targeting screen.