Titanfall Goes Gold but Respawn Won’t Confirm the Game’s Resolution
Two weeks ahead of launch, we still don't know Titanfall's resolution but it's less than 1080p.
Two weeks ahead of launch, we still don't know Titanfall's resolution but it's less than 1080p.
Get as much as 7 hours usage time from your iOS 7 devices.
Is your Nexus 5 suddenly a little more powerless? We have a guide that should help you fix the problem.
The titles may be getting ridiculously long, but the wait for this one seems to have been well worth it.
Expect online multiplayer pitting tower offense vs tower defense.
A slew of improvements have been added to Wasteland 2, taking it out of the Early Access category.
The game has been expanded with the release of Act 2, which brings content from Old Arkovia.
Here's how long it'll take to reach the max level in Titanfall.
Dark Souls 2's developers discuss the themes and creative process of creating the game in a newly released video.
Lord of the Rings Online is getting its 13th major update.
Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno difficulty modes have all been removed from the game.
Your chance to become Supreme Leader before the game launches.
Just because you can earn unlimited money doesn't mean you have to spend it.
Developers are now able to discount their own products on Steam by using a new feature on the service.
The NBA 2K community knows its basketball, and there are plenty of historic teams that players want to see in the next game.
Not having to worry about making polished demos for publishers has helped make the Pillars of Eternity development much smoother.
The game features the first two The Hobbit films and will be available from April.
Respawn artist Joel Emslie talks about how the Titans were designed.
If you're looking to play the best games of the year, Microsoft thinks you need to own an Xbox One.
The updates improves the Xbox One's friend list and allows controller updates through a USB.
One of the best indie games of last year is making its console debut this May.
A new trailer for Watch Dogs may be on its way.
Mr. Freeze is set to appear in Gotham from April 22nd.
Kingdom Hearts voice actor Justin Cowden talks about casting in the upcoming game.