SimCity Offline Mode ‘Almost There’
Update 10 is currently in final testing ahead of release.
Update 10 is currently in final testing ahead of release.
Online play will be a big focus for 343 Industries with Halo 5.
Microsoft's Albert Penello has debunked rumors claiming that the Xbox One would not be supported on the PC.
Blizzard explains why 2-handed weapons aren't dishing out as much damage as their 1-handed counterparts.
You can listen to a fully orchestrated version of a Final Fantasy XV theme, 'Omnis Lacrima'.
This early video of Satellite Reign shows a work in-progress of the game.
Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, the upcoming RPG coming out of BioWare, has a slower pace than its predecessor.
EA Sports UFC just got an extra-large shot of new fighters.
Nintendo also promises the addition of a day pass to the game soon.
A pair of freerunners in Titanfall gear have invaded the streets of London.
The game is still in pre-alpha, but Stainless Games says it's already fun, if you can get it to work.
Amazon could be making controllers for their streaming game console! Or, this could be just another controller for phones with Amazon's name on it. We don't know yet.
It's led many to speculate Sony is ready to try out game rentals, although it should be said the onus for this may be coming from Atlus.
Microsoft claims the contract came out as an experiment, but I would not shut the door on this one completely.
All three home consoles saw a jump in sales .Overall, February saw gaming retail rally from the previous month and the previous year.
The Microsoft executive now sees the fault in Microsoft's ways with the Xbox One reveal.
The PlayStation 4 version of MLB 14: The Show won't see a release until May.
The Hero's Guide for The Elder Scrolls Online is set to contain everything a fan could ask for.
Carthage is set to war against Rome in Total War: Rome 2's latest expansion.
A movie car pack for the Need for Speed movie is now available for Rivals.
A new trailer for Among the Sleep makes the game look scarier than ever before.
Valve appears set to introduce a reporting tool on its Steam service.
The 3DS title is slated for release on the PC this month.
MGS creator Hideo Kojima will be answering your questions on Twitch.