Black Knight Mode Turns Chivalry Into An Interactive Ode To Monty Python
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We try to make sense of the mixed signals the tech giant has been giving out recently.
The long awaited patch has finally arrived, making it so that the game feels like a complete experience.
Contrary to popular belief, Nintendo Wii U is actually a powerful gaming machine. At least, according to Retro.
The Dark Souls series continues to grow, but sadly, there's little chance that Demon's Souls will ever see a sequel.
Conquer the world before you save it from an ancient evil in March's free games.
Phil Spencer confirms that there will be Halo news at E3.
Have a look at the Autobot Meltdown and the Decepticon Duststorm.
Major technology companies to meet European Commission on free-to-play marketing.
SOE head John Smedley says the pass is now expected to launch on April 16th.
This one comes straight out of Italy is oddly skipping Xbox, but will be represented in practically every company platform.
It's unclear whether GCHQ actually used Microsoft's tech, however.
The first Free Map DLC is on the way soon.
This next car game is going to leave everyone else limping.
We don't know all the names quite yet, but here's a list of all the fighters we know will be in the spring title.
Shooters can't be matched when it comes to sales, but it can be difficult to innovate in this packed genre.
Thanks to two of the company's strongest titles, Starbreeze is rolling in cash.
Pavilion looks like one of the most creative games for the PS4 to date.
It's due to sales fears.
Dark Souls 2 is selling like hot cakes.
The latest patch for CS:GO fixes a host of issues.
Featuring a new level editor and allowing you to save anywhere, Dragonfall is now available on Steam.
The Resogun developed has souped up their top-down shooter for the 8th generation.