Latest Deep Down Trailer Has A Monstrous Surprise
We're not ruining what this surprise is here, but suffice to say Capcom is ready to throw anything and the kitchen sink at this game.
We're not ruining what this surprise is here, but suffice to say Capcom is ready to throw anything and the kitchen sink at this game.
Retailers in the country will have 'free supply by about April'.
While Bioware shares official assets, Creative Director Mike Laidlaw addresses questions from fans on Twitter.
We won't blame you if you read this article with a wary eye, but there's enough reason to believe it could happen, this time.
Tony himself revealed Activision is back at work, although we don't really have more details, not even the developer.
One of Levine's pet projects seems unlikely to happen now given its top champion will no longer manage the franchise.
Thanks to fans in publisher Gearbox, the company ended up spending too much on the remaster - to the benefit of fans.
The EA Sports UFC roster keeps growing, headlined by heavyweight star Mark Hunt.
No one's safe when the space cats are painted over your guns.
This mod brings Flappy Bird to Minecraft.
If you're looking for the best methods to unlocking Chase cards, we got you covered.
The Gears of War name needs to step back into the spotlight after the release of Black Tusk's game.
The game has also been dated for PS4 and PC.
It might be launching on a large number of platforms. but Shadow of Morder has a next-gen focus.
What your Pokemon IVs' assessment means and how to improve your rating.
Learn how to become a professional blacksmith in The Elder Scrolls Online.
The titles is making the jump from PlayStation Vita and 3DS.
The remote will cost $25 and offers an alternative to Kinect and SmartGlass.
Ubisoft are heading to Chicago for Watch Dogs, but how faithful is their interpretation of the Windy City?
This is a Garrett who thinks he has blood on his hands, and some new tricks in his sleeve.
The true stories of EVE Online are being adapted into comic book format.
A German magazine has published the first Dark Souls 2 review, giving it a high score.
Treyarch still working on an update on their end for the Wii U, but it's definitely coming as well.
A glitch in the beta led a player to a mysterious screen that implies a lot of possibilities.