Rumor: Playstation Now Launch Lineup And Price?
We share an observation on this alleged lineup, which, if true, has revealed something striking about the service's immediate library.
We share an observation on this alleged lineup, which, if true, has revealed something striking about the service's immediate library.
The still-growing game studio has been heavily invested in by Quebec. One wonders if the investment is paying out.
Titanfall for the PC will come with an FOV slider to tweak the game's field of view.
You're going to like what you'll see here - and hopefully, it's all true.
You got Pokequestions, we got Pokeanswers. Now that that's out of the way, read on.
If you were looking forward to a future where you could sell your old digital games, forget it.
Activision has laid down the law. Find out what can get you permabanned from online play below.
The StA61 Vultur is a pure sniper rifle, unlike its brother, the Kameraad.
This bolt action rifle guarantees one shot kills, if you target those shots right.
Xbox One and PC versions are coming out as scheduled. Don't complain, fans - you should be more worried about Titanfall's servers, anyway.
The Sickle is one of the most powerful guns in the game, but only up close.
The MK14 EBR is a poweful gun that needs help in the accuracy department. Learn how to best utilize it.
A second team is helping develop the upcoming next-gen game, but that doesn't mean there were any problems.
Two new smaller fighters have just been added to EA Sports' first attempt at a UFC game.
A new patch has done more harm to the Xbox One edition of Call of Duty: Ghosts than help.
The big publisher might just use the technology in future projects.
Sonic's new looks do not replace the modern Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega has stated.
Last-gen software isn't exactly lighting the world on fire, but the PS4 and Xbox One have been a pleasant surprise.
Fans hoping to get into the game will have to do so via the Closed Beta.
The drip feed of Titanfall news continues with the reveal that 'most players' will be able to get into the beta.
The behemoth of a Metroid end boss is going to make Smash a living hell to any who cross her.
It was bad enough that EA Mythic eviscerated a classic. They had to cheat their way into getting good reviews too.
Tom Clancy's The Division has a new developer onboard its development.
Takeshi Miyazoe was on Europe to promote From Software's latest. We have some juicy excerpts from his interviews there below.