EVO2014 Reveals Game Lineup And Plans This June
As always, the game selection is contentious, but this may be the 1st time two games are slated to be included conditionally.
As always, the game selection is contentious, but this may be the 1st time two games are slated to be included conditionally.
What the StA25 lacks in accuracy, it makes up for in raw power.
The Last of Us team is taking a breather after Left Behind.
Naughty Dog's game gets 10 prizes in all.
The delay is to allow Bluepoint Games more time to put the 'finishing touches'.
Bungie's game will become the 'next billion dollar franchise'
We're back to guides for the best selling game of 2013, with a great long range LMG.
Call of Duty games will still be releasing each and every year, but another developer has been added to the fray.
Sonic is taking a new turn in this upcoming Wii U and 3DS project.
People tend to be protective over much-loved franchises, and that's a big reason why the new Dungeon Keep is under fire.
Battlefield 4 has had plenty of updates, but there are still multiple bugs that players are dealing with.
It's not the most straightforward process in the world.
Ubisoft announces a new release date and released a new trailer for Child of Light.
The beta for Titanfall is coming soon.
Fans waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 will get a real kick out of this life-sized scale chart of the game's characters and weapons.
Jamie Fristom's non copyright infringing energy hook city swinger leads the way for more games to join Steam.
Three new fighters have just entered EA Sports UFC's Octagon.
This will 'guarantee a steadier framerate' according to Guerrilla.
PS4 and Xbox One owners won't be travelling to virtual Brazil this summer.
Two new videos of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 showcase elements of the game.
Press already being briefed on Rocksteady's next game.
The new character creation kit will offer you more freedom to design your character in Dark Souls 2.
We'll learn more about Amazon's plans with the studio in an event this February 13.