World Cyber Games Inc No Longer Running Tournaments
It appears that after 14 years, World Cyber Games the organization is done, although their global partners can still use the brand name.
It appears that after 14 years, World Cyber Games the organization is done, although their global partners can still use the brand name.
Almost all major characters from the original BioShock will be in Episode Two.
It looks like good news, but it seems some Windows users won't have a way to get DLC.
Kojima wants to move on and try new things, but not before ensuring his life's work is in good hands.
If Sony unloads Vaio, it could allow them to compete against Microsoft more fiercely. Sony refuses to confirm anything at the moment.
Respawn Entertainment's upcoming Titanfall won't be making an appearance on Steam.
Completionists will spend five to six hours on Burial at Sea Episode 2 according to Ken Levine.
Titanfall minimum PC specifications require 4GB of RAM.
MLB.TV coming to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in time for the new MLB season.
Hondas and other sports cars enter the Forza Motorsport 5 garage.
2K packs a handful of Sid Meier titles into the latest Humble Bundle.
Disney Interactive to layoff hundreds of staff despite a successful Disney Infinity launch.
The King of Ferelden joins the Witch of the Wilds in being excluded from the group.
The title was announced for Xbox One yesterday.
Is the game's success a fluke, a fraud, or frank? Nguyen Ha Dong doesn't want to comment.
Namco Bandai is looking for player feedback from the open beta.
Halo 2 Anniversary or Halo 5 will be coming to Xbox One this year but Microsoft won't say which.
There won't be some narrator telling you what to do next in Dark Souls 2, so From is still trying to make it easier to find out for yourself.
BioWare's Star Wars MMO will continue to grow this year, thanks to a pair of newly announced expansions.
Voice chat will be there, but Bandai Namco isn't sure if people will actually use it.
SEGA was quick to quash speculation that their three title exclusive deal with Nintendo has been nixed.
The six minute trailer looks at Garrett's weapons, tools, and tactics.
The introduction of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One haven't affected GTA 5's sales.
Nadella has been at the company for 22 years.