Cliff Bleszinski Responds to Gears Changing Hands
One of the main minds behind Gears of War has no interest in being involved with the new project.
One of the main minds behind Gears of War has no interest in being involved with the new project.
In an open letter King CEO Riccardo Zacconi has defended the studio in light of recent controversies.
Baird Equity Research predicts Grand Theft Auto 5 will come to PC.
Patch available on all platforms in late January or early February.
inFAMOUS: Second Son developer talk about living in rainy Seattle.
Ubisoft Shanghai assisting with the development off the next Far Cry title.
Here are the main specializations that people want to see in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Steam sending invites to players to beta test game streaming from PC to PC.
No, EA doesn't tell Criterion what racing game to make each year.
Epic isn't getting out of the game-development business just because it's done with Gears of War.
Titanfall beta begins on February 14 according to Zappos posters.
Even the creative director behind EA Sports UFC can't stop looking at his game.
The next big PS4 exclusive will be all about the story.
Microsoft now owns the rights to the Gears of War franchise.
Creative Director Paul Sage took time out to answer a lot of questions.
A few months after Standard & Poor and Fitch downgraded Sony, Moody's finally does the same.
Pre-orders of both the standard and limited editions of the game begin today.
It will be 'a good day tomorrow' says Microsoft Studios' boss Phil Spencer.
The single player RPG proved to be very popular.
Sony may not have been forthcoming on this, but the news trail seems to have revealed details that point to the real reason.
Our source for this one is one of the game's voice actors. Whether it gets delayed further, we think it's the right choice. Here's why.
It wasn't that long ago that the original was released, but Capcom already has a revision on the way soon.
Turtle Rock understands that more cooperative partners doesn't make for a better game.
SOE's new All Access program will cost players less and give them more games. Meanwhile, if you care to play Planetside, you can do so for free.