Players Complain PS4’s Analog Sticks Wearing Down Fast
There's a strong chance the damage is caused by sweat though.
There's a strong chance the damage is caused by sweat though.
Middle-weight Atlas class revealed in official trailer.
Final 12 Deals of Christmas promotion Naughty Dog's game drop to €30.
Ability limited to South American and Eastern Europe for now.
Sure, the cars look great, but have you taken a look at the people in Gran Turismo 6?
The makers of Painkiller Hell & Damnation are coming out with a new sci-fi shooter.
Nintendo may have finally addressed one of the biggest gripes with the system in two minutes.
Slightly Mad Studios working to make the game the best it can be on the system, also interested in the Share button.
Half SMG, half assault rifle, the MTAR-X is a powerful gun that warrants deliberate and careful use.
The failed MMO project is nothing but a bunch of broken pieces at this point, according to the Rhode Island governor.
DICE's desire to push their key FPS franchise to the newer consoles has worked against them.
You don't move the hero forward, but rather the world around him with your fingers.
The MSBS has been profiled here before as one of the most effective guns in the game, Truth be told, you have to earn that effectiveness.
People pay closer attention to review scores during the early stages of a console's lifespan.
Assassin's Creed might be an annual franchise, but publisher Ubisoft would absolutely delay a sequel if it had to.
Perfect World Entertainment expands their studio to include console game development.
MX vs. ATV making its return in 2014 after the THQ bankruptcy.
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood launches today on the Xbox One.
Call of Duty: Ghosts season pass trailer.
FTL: Advanced Edition introduces the Lanius race.
Camouflaj encounters problem giving out codes to Republique's iOS backers.
The developer of Eldritch has declared a statement against DRM and its harmful effect on games.
It would appear EA's investors across the country are rapidly taking action on recent allegations.