Thief Companion App Part of Its Steal of a Pre-Order Bundle
Get almost $ 20 worth of Thief related content, including the Android App, an exclusive map, and the soundtrack.
Get almost $ 20 worth of Thief related content, including the Android App, an exclusive map, and the soundtrack.
The latest update for NBA 2K14 adds a requirement for the player to remain online while playing.
Save the world with the help of LEGO Batman in February.
We know that a new Mass Effect game exists, but we might not see it until later next year.
You may have gone raiding with an agent of the NSA.
Raiden makes a crazy deus ex machina to the past to face a familiar name... Snatcher?
The CS-LR4 is a capable Chinese sniper rifle. Take a sneak peek at what it can do below.
Players who were still able to play before now experiencing terrifying freezes and complete lockdowns. Read the details here.
If your game broken? Get your money back.
InXile's upcoming RPG will feature turn-based combat based on a poll to Kickstarter backers.
Support Class has a lot of fun abilities and weapons to use in Shadow Fall. Get the details here.
Gearbox and Telltale are working together to create Tales From The Borderlands.
2013's Tomb Raider will be getting a next-gen release.
New details about the game was revealed including time powers and gameplay details.
Fart sounds make up the entirety of this trailer from South Park: The Stick of Truth.
Check out new footage of Bungie's upcoming game Destiny.
Two Hollywood stars are joining Will Wheaton in Broken Age's voice cast.
The Division is powered by a next-gen gaming engine called Snowdrop.
Telltale's Game of Thrones game was confirmed for a 201 release.
No Man's Sky is a procedurally generated space sim.
A gamer reminds us to always look at the bright side of life in Starbound.
Multiplayer voice chat is top priority, and classic 24 player warzone has been setup and is live now.
Don't look DICE's gift scope in the mouth. Read this to find out why.
The Remington R5 is better than the AK-12 in some ways, but not others. Get the details here.