Battlefield 4: Preview The Second Assault Maps With These Videos
Levolution will be a big part of the new multiplayer maps. Imagine the possibilities below.
Levolution will be a big part of the new multiplayer maps. Imagine the possibilities below.
The Xbox One launch title might look great now, but Dead Rising 3 wasn't always planned for new hardware.
Nvidia's built in DVR solution is out in beta, but should you give it a whirl? We look into the possibilities
The best equipment is new, it's lethal in real life, and it's very, very good. Find out more below.
Sabot and HE shells have their merits in the battlefield. Find out which does what and make your choice.
Here's Gran Turismo 5 running on multiple PS3 boxes and being streamed through 5 large displays.
The ugly faces of Dark Souls will not be making a return in the sequel.
Players weigh in with their experience, and surprise, it's not in multiplayer.
All rockets are not created equal, but there are advantages to each weapon. Read on to learn more.
Let's get straight to the chase: one gun stands above the rest. Learn which one it is and how to augment it best.
Bookmark this page as we update it with the latest tips and tricks for Activision's newest installment in the COD series.
The most unassuming of all Pokemon is key to ensuring you leave nothing to chance to go Perfect IV.
Before you hastily decide to sell your PS3 when the PS4 comes out, here are some things you should consider.
If you're bored with the game, here's a quirky skill to level up and possibly spice up the game for you.
Much like US and the rest of the world, act inebriated with power as you push everyone else around to get your way.
Housemarque discuss their competitive yet satisfying vision for Resogun.
Heroes of the Storm the new name for the Blizzard All-Stars MOBA.
Blizzard announces the new World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor expansion.
Need for Speed Rivals Xbox One debut gameplay.
Get Infinity Ward's latest offering running as smoothly as possible on your PC.
Marc Whitten and Yusuh Mehdi demonstrate the functionality of the Xbox One.
Have two thousand mates? You can now add them on your PlayStation devices. streaming, five new races, and four new campaigns added.
What can you do on the console without the update? 'Nothing' says Microsoft's Penello.