DayZ Standalone Resurfaces in Steam Database
After a long period of inactivity, it seems like we'll be seeing the DayZ Standalone soon.
After a long period of inactivity, it seems like we'll be seeing the DayZ Standalone soon.
Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag and Watch Dogs extra content are timed exclusives for the PlayStation.
Another advertisement from Sony popped up in a flurry of recent promos leading up to PS4's release.
Players can be identified by their real names on the PlayStation 4 at launch.
GTA demonstrates a popularity atypical of Western games in the country.
Research suggests that Squirtle is the best starter Pokemon.
DLC is also up on Steam, includes developer commentary.
If you want a head start on setting up your Xbox One, here's the leaked installation guide for the console to get you started.
3DS XL will be available in orange and turquoise colors in Japan.
PS4 cross-game party chat supports eight players.
You can now choose what color your achievements appear in and it is color-coded for each player
Promising new multigenre game gets taken down because of an illegally used game model from Tripwire's Killing Floor.
North Korea may use free-to-play games to take control of South Korean computers.
Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn demonstrates the new house building technology.
The Mario fan in you will love all the little bits and moments taken from some of the classic Mario games.
Forza Motorsport 5 Showroom continues with week 5's new list.
Go to the Friend Safari so you can catch them all faster than ever before! Read our guide to learn how.
The launch trailer of Batman: Arkham Origins highlights Batman's conflict with the Black Mask.
Sony might be known for its many indie games, but Microsoft believes it has the best methods to grab developers.
Starbound might be filled with various detailed systems, but that doesn't stop it from being open to new players.
The upcoming block-based adventure game wouldn't be around today if it wasn't for genre leaders like Minecraft and Terraria.
Two classic CD-ROM games have made their way to Steam.
The digital future that the Xbox One was originally a big part of could return soon after launch.
Gameranx has learned new details about the Freedom Cry DLC, ranging from its backstory to Adewale's use of the blunderbuss.