DICE – Battlefield: Bad Company 3 Will Happen
Studio may return to Bad Company after new Mirror's Edge and Battlefront.
Studio may return to Bad Company after new Mirror's Edge and Battlefront.
30GB of free disk space and 64 bit OS needed.
Spritzee and Swirlix evolutions emerge.
Want to make easy money in GTA Online but you don't know how? This guide will help you earn your way to greatness.
Reveal set for New York ComicCon.
Pre-order bonuses also revealed for Insomniac's game.
Some changes made to the game's stats compared to the first Dark Souls.
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition up for pre-purchase, coming November 15 to PC and Mac.
Japanese trailer recaps Final Fantasy XIII trailer revealed.
Not only is The Last Guardian still alive, but Yoshida confirms that the game never even went on hiatus.
You'll want to upgrade your computer to play Watch Dogs on its ultra-high 'Ultra' setting. Beyond that, the basic requirements aren't too bad.
The game is set for release on Steam later this month.
Unlike past Metal Gear Solid games, there will be plenty of replay value and non-linear aspects in The Phantom Pain.
Paradox has announced Warlock 2, which is set for a Spring 2014 release next year on PC. Watch the trailer here.
The self-publishing that Sony is pushing won't create a situation where just anything ends up on the store.
Over half of Capcom Europe's employees are facing redundancy.
Shuhei Yoshida has come out to explain just why the PlayStation 4 is a more appealing option than the Xbox One.
If you're having trouble grasping the advanced controls of NBA 2K14, we have a full guide to help get you up to speed.
After Shadow of The Eternals was placed on hold, however, this does not seem to guarantee games will get funded and made.
Don't pass over the fine print, Wii U owners, you will want to know how your rights are affected by the new service agreement.
Or at the very least, you will have a highly capable PC that will last you the next decade.
Rockstar all but admits that the game is best by server issues, among others.
Leaker has already given up their copy of the game, claims heads are rolling at Nintendo.
Players will be able to either rent or own the items in the store, opening up the dungeons at any time in the game.