Grand Theft Auto 5 Easter Egg Map Will Blow Your Mind
A map within GTA 5 will aid you to discover easter eggs.
A map within GTA 5 will aid you to discover easter eggs.
The most recent sales figures coming out of Japan don't hold too many surprises.
Beyond: Two Souls won't fail because the protagonist is a female, says Cage.
Evidence mounts Rockstar is serious about microtransactions.
After a year on the market, Doug Creutz expects the game to sell 25 million copies.
The game's not done, and one of the last things the team will tackle is optimization.
The more women enter the industry, the more diversified the games become.
Legendary developer speaks his mind anew on Metal Gear's radical changes.
Experience, Mega Evolutions will change the game way more than 3D effect.
Producer Poria Torkan clears up the air on previous DLC issues.
Writer was closely associated with Halo franchise, leaving for other creative endeavors.
Two new Pokemon X & Y television commercials.
PES 2014 patch preventing players from playing specific online modes.
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They may look goofy, but he's still the Batman.
Grand Theft Auto 5 digital soundtrack joins the iTunes library.
The RTS/MMO/RPG hybrid sees its first video release in a long time.
Killzone: Shadow Fall season pass detailed.
FromSoftware wants its players to suffer through Dark Souls 2 with the implementation of death penalties.
Gibeau to take charge or Origin, Soderlund gets EA Sports.
Read it to believe it.
Momentum for Ghosts is proceeding well says Hirshberg.
Never leave your keys in the ignition guys.
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