An Early Build of The Last of Us Was Pretty Misogynistic
The Last of Us originally had only women as infected zombies.
The Last of Us originally had only women as infected zombies.
Game director Ash Ismail insists that the Assassin's Creed games aim for authenticity.
Players won't be able to share footage on the big social sites until next year.
Two modes and one map are waiting for Battlefield 4 fans next month.
Expect to actually play all the setpiece moments in Titanfall.
The initial player count for Rockstar's multiplayer experience may have been increased.
Keep track of the latest games coming out in Japan.
Take a sneak peek into what you can accomplish in the game.
Sony seems intent to enforce account based DRM.
We run down confirmed locations and show guesses where they show up in the map.
Check out these shot-for-photo comparisons.
Beta coming shortly before console's release in Japan.
TU13 should be releasing soon pending approval from Microsoft.
Use this handy little tip to better chase down/get away from zombies in DayZ Standalone
Games aren't cheap to make, and that's not really good for any developers.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call trailer from TGS.
Ace Combat Infinity trailer from TGS.
Grand Theft Auto 5 sales pass $1 billion.
Valve announcing three separate items related to the living room.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate discount for a limited time.
Battlefield 4 Battlelog improves on its previous iteration.
GTA 5's sales are unimpressive compared to the revenues created by mobile games.
Panzer Dragoon-like flight based shooter will only be $ 20.
CS:GO has been updated with eight new maps.