Metal Gear Solid 5: Kojima is Aiming For 60 Frames Per Second on Next-Gen Systems
The developers at Kojima Productions are aiming for a 60fps experience for MGS 5.
The developers at Kojima Productions are aiming for a 60fps experience for MGS 5.
Indies just seem to make sense on Vita, according to Sony.
Get GLaDOS to tell you how badly you're playing DOTA.
Basketball's pretty much all about the shoes, right?
Feedback is great, but From Software needs to do its own thing with Dark Souls 2.
People are upset over the GTA 5 technical problems on PSN, but Sony hasn't noticed the outcry.
Separate statements from Sony and Microsoft confirm the consoles will work together.
The response was 'strong' in the West.
Who knows? Maybe the servers are more stable in the future.
Microsoft plans to get more content ready for the console.
Post-launch patch will be issued to boost camera's integration.
Console's disk tray designed for horizontal positioning.
Reddit-like platform currently on beta for NA players.
A 'ridiculously broad' range of prototypes were tested.
PlayStation Plus subscription and one game will make up the difference.
Sony made some changes to the PS4's guts before anything became official.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter looks fantastic.
Every collectible in the game is yours to find in this guide for GTA 5.
Yes, for some reason the game is still set in New York in 2094.
Two minute trailer shows off platformer's action sequences.
Launch window announced in Tokyo Game Show trailer.
GTA games are off the table for next-gen hardware at this time.
More information on Dark Souls 2 is coming out of TGS.