Splinter Cell Blacklist Comparison Finds It Performs Best On Wii U
Gaming site Lensoftruth compares Wii U, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 versions.
Gaming site Lensoftruth compares Wii U, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 versions.
If you've ever wanted your own theme song, this is your chance.
Photos of GTA 5 discs have surfaced, thanks to someone at 4chan.
14 new teams are showcased in this new trailer for NBA 2K14.
Rockstar's tongue-in-cheek presentation shows the country clubs, tattoo artists, and douchebag yoga instructors.
Management reshuffle ongoing in between transition between console generations.
These brave men will soon join the ranks of playable factions in Rome 2.
All those gigantic advertisements at the side of the Hotel Figueroa were done by hand.
Kamiya alludes to hidden characters and reveals his love for Tetris Attack.
The original Dead Rising creator would put more humor into Dead Rising 3.
EA's PS4 and Xbox One lineup starts with games we're more familiar with.
The comparison between the SD and HD versions is impressive.
Each console will have its own set of online servers and players.
Thanks to fan feedback, Hotline Miami 2 will be harder.
Ghosts will bring back one of the most requested perks from past games.
Fan also charts increasing Wii U sales since game's release.
Says Microsoft partnership 'has been blown out'.
Latest trailers compares the SD and HD versions.
Critically acclaimed Playstation Mobile game going all in on consoles.
Take a look at how the armour of Dark Souls 2 has been created.
11 secret achievements and trophies have been revealed.
A PS3 hacker/modder has accessed GTA 5's preload.
1.5 million on PS4 first to know list compared to 700,000 on Xbox One list.
'The lowest priced system isn't always successful', says Tretton.