Humble Origin Bundle Adds Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 and Populous
Two new games added to the Humble Origin Bundle.
Two new games added to the Humble Origin Bundle.
Black Flag is much more than just an action game.
A new video of Destiny explores some of the game's intricacies.
Here's a new gameplay video of two developers going against each other in Total War: Rome 2.
It's not all about exclusive titles in the eyes of Mark Cerny.
Microsoft knows that it will be the games, and not the press events, that win the console war.
These HD screenshots give GTA 5 an absolutely cinematic feel.
If the people want to see it, expect the Xbox One to support the Oculus Rift.
Updates hit Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
Two console launches in one month doesn't scare Sony.
Call of Duty: Ghosts looks far better on the Xbox One than you think it does.
Three more heroes and CENTINELS support group introduced.
Discover how the maps in Battlefield 4 change over time.
Dark Souls 2 has player-vs-player combat that's quite like that of the first game.
Most popular pick is a tribute to community favorite EpicNameBro.
Design moves away from traditional rhythm game paradigm, actually looks like learning software.
Open world environment has many things to hack, slash, even burn.
Check out these five minutes of gameplay, which sticks to one screen.
'UK sensibility' is important for the series, says Spencer.
Microtransactions compared to Mass Effect 3 and FIFA.
EA says Microsoft partnership doesn't affect relationship with Sony.
Free-to-play switch seemingly rules out retail release for future entries in the series.