Pokemon X and Y: European Preorder Incentives Revealed
European retailer GAME have announced their preorder offer for Pokemon X and Y.
European retailer GAME have announced their preorder offer for Pokemon X and Y.
NHL 14 will update player stats if they go on cold or hot streaks.
Youtuber gbay99 has made a video detailing what separates professional and average gamers.
Fez 2 development stopped indefinitely.
Kingdom Hearts 3 will bring Sora's 10 year fight to a conclusion.
Finally, news about the DLC planned for Bioshock Infinite is on the way.
Battlefield 4 will be fully optimized for Windows 8, DX11.1
Pokemon available to US Trainers for a limited time.
Answers about the DayZ Standalone from the creator himself.
Grand Theft Auto Online details coming in August.
Ubisoft will tell its pirate tale through gameplay this time around.
Players suspect Sony Santa Monica has stopped development of game.
Media Molecule's Vita game has been delayed.
Developers will have to engineer the functionality.
Less than 100 people make up the game's dev team.
Boasts game is largest open world in history of series.
Take a look at the songs that will be stuffed into 2K14 this year.
How many will you aim to unlock?
Suda51's latest isn't all about hacking and slashing.
Also shares his thoughts on free to play.
The Last of Us slips to third place.