Minecraft Creator Praises Xbox One’s New Self-Publishing Policies
Notch thinks Microsoft has some "wonderful" ideas on Xbox One.
Notch thinks Microsoft has some "wonderful" ideas on Xbox One.
PS4's friends list is twice the size of the Xbox One's.
New language implies Gamecube game could be coming to the eShop.
Campaign ends with game meeting all stretch goals and earning five times its initial funding goal.
"Passive" investment in Activision Blizzard only latest in Hong Kong company's power moves.
Funding moves to Paypal, and 5 Lives shares mock-ups and tech demos as development starts in earnest.
The Fallout: New Vegas creator talks about what he'd like to see in Fallout 4.
We've compiled some of the latest information pertinent to the next entry in the Final Fantasy franchise - Lightning Returns.
Some new Pokemon X and Y screenshots have graced the Internet with their presence.
A new gameplay video comparing Grand Theft Auto 5 and Max Payne 3 raises some loaded questions.
A new developer diary for Plants vs. Zombies talks about the game's time-traveling scenario.
Neil Gaiman and The Odd Gentlemen partner to make Wayward Manor.
Dual Destinies DLC will also release in West.
A small but significant change has stepped into the online arena of Battlefield 4.
Incognita gameplay from the Twitch.tv Klei stream.
Puppeteer gameplay trailer discussing story and boss fights.
A new enemy type has been shown to the public, and we bet that it'll be an annoying one.
Game has been reworked from the ground up to reflect changes from almost a decade's disappearance.
Changes credited to player feedback.
In addition to talking up the PlayStation 4, Shinji Mikami showcases some previously unseen footage of the game.
Grand Theft Auto 5's official strategy guide is now available for pre-order.
Series' director talks about collaboration with the team in Osaka.
New details about the game's invading aliens also revealed.
Entitled attitudes are spoiling the game industry.