Saints Row IV Refused classification by Australian Ratings Board
Deep Silver reworking game to fit guidelines.
Deep Silver reworking game to fit guidelines.
Tekken, Mortal Kombat, and Persona 4 Arena players are in for a challenge
The new Mirror's Edge saw tremendous support from EA.
Dragon Age: Incquisition will not act as a direct sequel.
Microsoft invests $700 million towards data centers in Iowa.
16 minutes of Dual Destinies gameplay in English.
Battlefield 4 will use the Frostbite 3 engine and all of its new features.
Sign-up for the Project Spark beta on the official website.
DICE asked EA to let them develop Battlefront.
We assume the helmet is optional.
Nordic Games isn't done picking up IP.
Trading card scheme is leaving beta later this month.
Developers are 'so happy that they can just focus on the games' on PS4.
Plenty of information has been released on Black Flag.
Company invests heavily in the 'power of the cloud'.
Once a model, now a horrifying zombie thing.
Neither next-gen consoles has a confirmed release date.
Legal issues will need to be resolved before we see Baldur's Gate 3.
New PS4 announcements will be made at gamescom.
Destiny seems to be dodging any questions related to real-money upgrades.
Says the similarity is 'not appreciated'.
Diablo 3 is playable in same-screen co-op on the PS3.