Ryse: Son of Rome Announced for Xbox One
New franchise gets trailer at E3
Microsoft announced a console redesign for the Xbox 360 available today.
Microsoft conference opens with first footage of Metal Gear Solid 5
Watch Microsoft's E3 2013 conference here. Expect them to announce at least a dozen new games.
Get a glimpse at some of Black Flag's multiplayer characters.
Infinity Ward has released a new video showcasing the game's powerful engine technology, with features including Sub D and Displacement Mapping.
The story will last 50 hours with an additional 50 hours of side quests.
A gameplay trailer for Lightning Returns has been released ahead of E3.
Frank Gibeau denies closure of EA Partners.
A new rendered trailer for Watch_Dogs has been revealed.
Rumors have surfaced of Microsoft's conference ahead of the actual event.
Dragon Age 3 will make its first real appearance tomorrow.
Infinity Ward shows off an underwater level in its upcoming game, Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Most sales in its first couple of days since Minecraft XBLA.
New theories on Pokemon X and Y have come about, as well as the date for an information blowout.
A new screenshot has been released that shows the use of a motorcycle in GTA V
Crysis 3: The Lost Island DLC offers 4 new maps, 2 new modes and 2 new weapons.
All of a sudden, fears of the Kinect being used to spy on your has all of a sudden become extremely warranted.
The Witcher 3 screens show new monsters, open world.
Malicious Rebirth will release on the PS Vita later this year.
It's not even an adventure game, actually, but something entire different.
Why go to LA when we have the miracle that is the internet?
Tales of Xillia will launch this August on the PS3.
For those of you who are actually thinking of getting the One, but could care less about Call of Duty.