Mirror’s Edge 2 on Xbox One Available for Pre-Order through Amazon.de
It looks as if Mirror's Edge 2 is real again.
It looks as if Mirror's Edge 2 is real again.
Kojima wants his games to look real.
Nintendo is showcasing all new Mario games at its next Nintendo Direct show, and there's a possibility of a new Zelda.
It looks like Bethesda may need help on Fallout 4.
Racer to combine elements of Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted.
The Nostalgia Trailer looks fondly at Sony's next console.
The collection contains Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3, 4, and more.
Pokemon fans can look forward to weekly updates about the games.
Saints Row 4's marketing is in full force with the release of the game's official box art and first "Hail to the Chief" video.
Game will feature dynamic free-running and day/night cycles.
War, war never changes.
The game will make use of the Vita's touch interface.
The Elder Scrolls Online has an all new monster called the wamasu.
Machine Pistols have been nerfed in a very big way in the latest update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.
in addition to the reveal of its Special Edition and Collector's Edition, the GTA 5 pre-order bonus includes a pilotable blimp.
Paint him red and gold and he's basically Tony Stark.
The Chipmunks aside, the dude's actually a decent writer!
“…it’s just such a scary proposition due to the subject matter and difference in attitudes between Japanese culture and the more conservative culture here in the U.S."
Images of Breakout used as stuff to break in a game of Breakout? How meta.
Once again, Microsoft is going where the money is. And to them, it's not in video games.
That expensive headset you own will likely not work on the Xbox One.
This PSN game collection will launch in late June.
Xbox One wont let you borrow or loan games with friends.
Mixed reports surround the truth about EA games on the Wii U.