Microsoft Points to be Replaced with Gift Cards, Real Currency
It looks as if real money will replace the current Microsoft Points system.
It looks as if real money will replace the current Microsoft Points system.
Justin Keverne will analyse four or five levels in the book.
Avalanche is developing for current and next-gen consoles.
Maxwell is soon to find out who really would win in a fight between Batman and Superman.
The full list of GRID 2 includes dozens upon dozens of racing tracks.
No more duping exploits, not that it hurt anyone all that much.
See how far games have come since 2005.
The new stretch goals also include a customized HUD for all owners of the scorebook.
Trademark application follows alleged PS4 commercial script leak.
A new gameplay video for GRID 2 shows off the game's various events, set to take place in Asia.
The Instant Game Collection also gets ICO, Shadow of the Colossus HD, Demon's Souls, Rayman Origins, and Coconut Dodge Revitalised.
A new Battlefront could be on the cards.
Edgeworth has never looked more dapper.
One of the "SimGurus" runs through the beginnings of his resort.
The campaign surpassed its goal with only a few days left to go.
Employee at Meteor Entertainment uses the Hawkeye Initiative to teach her CEO a lesson.
As you'd guess, Namco Bandai really wants people to play Dark Souls 2.
Bethesda may be working up towards an announcement for the game.
The game has been unplayable for some players on the EUW servers in LoL.
The Vita gets a new episodic puzzle adventure game.
Winners will be announced on June 18.
We attempt to set the record straight with player stats in FIFA 14, biased fans need to calm their horses.