Game Dev Tycoon Fights Piracy With Piracy
What's the best way to battle piracy? With more piracy.
What's the best way to battle piracy? With more piracy.
Microsoft has released a five minute-long presentation of IllumiRoom, with the technology slated to come into fruition in the Xbox 720.
The update that was intended to fix SimCity needs to be fixed.
Eliza wins out after several rounds of votes.
It's games like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft that have helped boost Kotick's massive salary.
Cage expects players to see the main story of Beyond in about 10 hours.
But the game doesn't even sell half as many copies as its predecessor.
Beautiful cutscenes were animated for this remake of the first Etrian Odyssey.
Will the next Call of Duty be revealed on May 1st?
We've found a truly amazing 'Fakemon' that needs to be in Pokemon X and Y.
A well-known filmmaker will create a TV series based on the popular MMORPG.
The open beta ends next month.
David Cage shows off his filmmaker side.
And what an amazing super move he has...
FIFA14 information abound.
Ubisoft talks about their upcoming entry into the Assassin's Creed franchise.
Kojima feels that Metal Gear Solid 5 is too pressed for time.
It looks like the publisher doesn't have anything to show off this year.
Team Empire removes two veteran players after an extended slump in performance.
Both Apollo and Phoenix appear as playable characters.
This album will feature a slew of music from the popular PC franchise.
And don't forget Gradius!
The 0.11.0 patch offers new content, features, and game improvements
This interesting, space-themed indie title will excite fans of Free Space and Homeworld.