Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Listed for XBLA
Standalone 80s inspired game to hit May 1st.
Defiance debuts in third.
Dev kits headed to developers following poor system sales to date.
A forum user and hardcore GTA fanatic has put together a terrain map of Grand Theft Auto 5 from media releases.
A technology demo shown at this year's Game Developer's Conference shows some amazing technology.
It appears that the newest Pokemon bears a striking resemblance to Mewtwo.
We've gathered some of the latest information regarding Company of Heroes 2.
In anticipation of the game's release, we've compiled some pertinent information.
Published by EA, but with no online pass in sight.
Moore speaks in defence of EA as the company reaches the semi-finals of Worst Company in America.
The disappointing game will no longer come to Nintendo's platform.
The two games are almost half price, but you have to buy them together.
Well that didn't take long.
A shame about the lack of cross play, though.
The Wii U version didn’t exactly light up the Japanese sales charts as expected.
It would have no doubt gotten lots of people talking.
After being denied the "Killer Instinct" name in December, Microsoft now shares the trademark with Fox.
Thanks to legendary Manami Matsumae joining the sound team.
The tweet is gone, but you know how the internet works.
Also, the game that looked too good to be true was just that.
Yoshinori Ono is now both a corporate officer and producer at Capcom.