Fan Immortalized in Rome 2 Before Losing Battle with Cancer
Total War fan toured studio thanks to charity.
Total War fan toured studio thanks to charity.
A police report claims Adam Lanza was a "deranged" gamer looking to score easy "points".
Majority in favour, minority most vocal
Chief won't be coming to Valve's client anytime soon.
Tablets, and not consoles, will lead the way, say Zynga.
The team is offering replacement rewards to those who'll be affected.
It could've also been set in the modern day, but they decided against it.
A listing for the PC version of Mortal Kombat appears on the online retailer.
The makers of Super Crate Box and Ridiculous Fishing say it's tough to do F2P in a bad way without sacrificing the game.
Lighting in returning shocker, see Lightning Returns for more info
DICE teases the announcement trailer of Battlefield 4.
This has got to be one of the worst (or best, depending on your sense of humor) easter eggs ever made.
Marvel Heroes will avoid Diablo 3's problems by not implementing a game-breaking real money auction house.
See some games! Hang out with me too, if you want!
None of the three new entries manage to make the top spot
Tony Tamasi, senior vice president of content, has something to say on the next generation of consoles.
Modification developer eGod is bringing us something truly unique.
This champion looks tough as jell-o.
Fans and pundit alike voice their wants for the next iteration of Dark Souls.
Black Ops 2 Best Classes: Youtube user WoodysGamertag shows us the ins-and-outs of class construction on Black Ops 2.
Zombies will be showing up where other zombies were.