Thomas Was Alone Coming To PS3 And PS Vita
Be several rectangles who are friends! Use your sony consoles!
Be several rectangles who are friends! Use your sony consoles!
I think Square Enix doth protest too much
Gamers can embark on an all new adventure with Nilin in Remember Me.
The DLC will be half price for one week
Even if he's wrong or right, his statements won't matter at all
What disaster should strike the city next? What should they tear down to replace with a casino?
Let's judge it entirely on name and previous context alone
We'll find out some of what EA will bring to the next generation before E3
Squigly will join the Skullgirls cast after all
Each winner is on sale for the next week
Microsoft shows its interest with a domain name spending spree
Is this the biggest form of fallout from the Rayman Legends debacle yet?
It's going to be hilarious if his guesses are 100% on the money.
Ubisoft hopes to break into the GTA-style genre
Though they still haven't really said what their actual position is.
But it's up to you see what it will eventually look like.
Gee, I wonder what that could be about...
You can finally own the rights to Homeworld, provided that you have enough cash.
This is a good thing to do if you can find a thing to spend the money on!
38 percent also don't know about ESRB ratings.