OMG-Zombies! Free on PlayStation Mobile This Week
This is the last title to be offered free as part of Sony's PlayStation Mobile New Year Giveaway
This is the last title to be offered free as part of Sony's PlayStation Mobile New Year Giveaway
But it looks like we have to work out what loyal means for ourselves
Sony wants to push the message that PlayStation is for adults
An Unlicensed League of Legends themed restaurant has opened in China.
Yes, the PlayStation 4 what?
Once again, those who try before they buy actually do buy.
Upset Wii U fans can at least get a decent chunk of the game before those on the PS3 and Xbox 360.
You see, Capcom DOES listen to the people who buy their games.
He also reiterates that the 3DS will never reach the level of success as the original DS.
Rumors online reveal many believable things about the next-generation console
As it turns out, Nintendo wanted to feature multiplayer in Legend of Zelda long before Four Swords.
The game features wizards, magic, and talking rabbits.
Watch this marketing material and let it inform your purchase
A host of fixes has been deployed in the latest patch for Black Ops 2.
Use the Wii U Gamepad to control your character in a video game you buy for that system
Hotline Miami is making its way to the PS Vita and the PS3 this Spring.
French, Italian, German and Spanish gamers will be getting an update to Skyirm today on the PS3
It is not a good name for a video game
Looks like Bungie's new game is coming to more than just PS3 and 360
Wyrmstooth, a fan-made modification to Skyrim, has finally made its way to the web after much anticipation.
Pitchford says he has 'always profited from criticism', but will block those who are rude