Arkane Studios is Recruiting for the Next Generation of Consoles
The folks who made Dishonored want someone who can work with them on the "next gen"
The folks who made Dishonored want someone who can work with them on the "next gen"
Will it be good enough to replace Halo?
Two more free games will be revealed over the next couple of weeks
16 new swappable Skylanders makes for 256 possible combinations
If you've always wanted to see the triumphant return of R. Mika, here's your chance.
It's not an anti-game, it's not a not-game, it's just a game. Period.
"So she doesn't really exist? She's sort of like Manti Te'o's girlfriend."
"Shame on you. But more importantly: shame on your profession. It deserves so much better."
The Hip Hop Gamer is supposed to be a voice for all gamers out there. Unless you are a woman and/or happen to be gay.
Will there be a version for the PS3/Xbox 360 AND the PS4/Xbox 720?
Just because the guy has 100 million in the bank doesn't mean he wants to just give it away.
You know, the guy otherwise known as Beetlejuice and Batman.
Feeling lonely? Valentali doesn't care
The previous Wii U exclusive is now branching out.
J.J. Abrams and Valve are getting together for some serious collaboration.
The DLC for Skyrim have been updated with high resolution textures.
Announces Jon Shafer's At The Gates, an empire building title.
The upcoming DLC for Assassin's Creed 3 has been priced and dated.
An unofficial patch is now available for Dragonborn which fixes numerous bugs.
The makers of Bulletstorm are creating a weird horror fiction game.
Here are a list of issues that Treyarch needs to fix in the PS3 version of Black Ops 2.
Europe is getting its own God of War: Ascension PS3 bundle.
Here's another rumor that just won't keep on dying...but it's not one gamers will want to come true.
Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick has revealed that Gearbox's RPG shooter is on pace to become 2K's highest-selling game ever...