Battlefield 3 Schedules Eight-Hour Downtime for Server Migration and Maintenance for Consoles
Battlefield 3 will have an eight-hour downtime next week due to server migration and maintenance...
Battlefield 3 will have an eight-hour downtime next week due to server migration and maintenance...
Sorry, but nothing can beat the keyboard and mouse when it comes to shopping online.
Dead Space 3 gets the accolades treatment trailer...
SEGA has issued a statement in their recent acquisition of the Company of Heroes studio...
SEGA has released Aliens: Colonial Marines' "Kick Ass" trailer...go kick some Xeno ass!
BioWare has announced this weekend's Mass Effect 3 multiplayer challenge...
Black Ops 2 gets a new live-action trailer...there's also a double XP event this weekend!
Buyers who pre-ordered the limited edition of Ni No Kuni from Namco Bandai have found themselves without a copy of the game
Tetsuya Nomura talks about Lightning's new outfit.
343 has let the word out: don't expect theater mode for Halo 4's campaign and Spartan Ops soon. Plus! 343 on camping...
343 is adding a bunch of new stuff in Halo 4! Read on for details...
Major League Gaming has announced two of the three games for its Winter season!
Also: could this be the successor to 1998's Yoshi Story?
Ex-THQ President Jason Rubin indicates there might be some hope for those titles yet
Up to four players will seek out the Scarescraper in this new gameplay feature.
Sony has to pay the U.K. £250,000 for their alleged neglience
One director is told he can't use the name for his show
Sony gives select players early access to The Last of Us' Demo
We get a glimpse of Lex's moves in the upcoming fighting game by NetherRealm Studios
The media conglomerate talks about their new haul from THQ’s auction
There's a new rumor floating about regarding Grand Theft Auto 5's release date, here's why we think it's fake.
Here's what you'll get for pre-ordering BioShock Infinite!
An alleged "official" Orbis documentation has been unearthed and divulges Sony's plans for the PS4.