Aliens: Colonial Marines Concept to Game Dev Video Shows the Alien Hive
SEGA has released a new video showing the Alien Hive in Aliens: Colonial Marines
SEGA has released a new video showing the Alien Hive in Aliens: Colonial Marines
Severe "hitching" affects the game on 4GB 360s only
DmC will be getting a Bloody Palace mode for free! Read on for details...
Sly dresses up as a samurai, Murray as a geisha
Who knew deploying support scorestreaks would net you this much points?
Microsoft's research labs have just released a trailer for IllumiRoom, which projects images beyond your TV! You need to watch it to believe it.
Equal parts art book and guide, this 224 page tome comes out this April.
An AMD video suggests that the next generation of consoles will carry support for multi-monitor set-ups.
BioWare may have just dashed the few remaining hopes of the Mass Effect community
Subscription based MMOs are dropping like flies
Check out this quirky, mysterious little indie point and click.
Whatever the reason, the committee isn't going forward with it
Help the Spicy Horse folks test the server load in anticipation of release.
Children ages two through six can enjoy this new mobile app set in the Moonintroll universe.
When bullets hit people, people die. Or so it goes.
Matt Kemp won us over with his bedroom eyes.
The MMOFPS is improving with each update.
Fallout 4 may be in development. Word of its development was teased by the voice actor behind Three Dog.
Gabe Newell speaks out on the possible pricing of Steambox...there might even be a $99 version!
The Legendary Pokemon for the upcoming games have been revealed.
Curious why Pokemon X and Y aren't coming to the Wii U? Here's the reason...
A new video of SimCity introduces would-be players to some of the game's new features and elements.
A new update for Don't Starve adds new functionality to the game's shovel.